Like many companies in France, yours is undoubtedly run by a vertical management structure. Considered the key to the success of the Industrial Revolution, this model is now decried by many specialists in work organization. The Digital Revolution advocates a more horizontal type of management, where hierarchical levels and departmental boundaries are blurred in favor of collaborative work.

In a vertical structure, there are two levels of management: strategic and operational. The transmission of information and commands is top-down. The senior manager decides on strategic choices, which he or she can discuss with management. The latter entrusts the implementation of projects to managers and supervisors, who then define the action plans to be carried out by employees.

Back to the pyramid structure

The organization chart of a hierarchical company is reminiscent of a pyramid. It is inspired by military structures, where hierarchy and task specialization are the foundations of efficient organization. The pyramid structure breaks down an overall project into smaller tasks assigned to divisions specializing in a well-defined field. Each division carries out its mission in compliance with the defined methods and deadlines.

Frederick Taylor (1856-1915) pioneered the theory of hierarchical management. He describes the mechanisms in his book The Principles of Scientific Management (1911). A few years later, Henry Ford (1863-1947) reinforced the notion of task specialization and introduced assembly-line work. This compartmentalization of tasks is a fundamental principle of the Industrial Revolution.

Digital transformation and horizontal management

The digital revolution has turned this type of management on its head. The new means of communication – SMS, email and instant messaging – make it impossible to filter information. Projects are approached in a different way. Departments communicate freely with each other. Everyone has a global vision of the objective and understands the importance of their contribution to the project. Managers talk to their employees, and the latter give their opinion on the objectives and methods.

If you want to implement collaborative management in your company, the best solution is to call on interim management. This experienced executive can lead change in your company by taking stock of the current situation and then implementing methods adapted to a collaborative organization.