Leadership and management are often confused within companies. However, these two concepts differ, especially when it comes to authority. Here are a few explanations.

Management: a question of organization

Management keywords: organization, objectives, planning, results, conformity. By definition, it’s a discipline that encompasses all the techniques involved in managing and organizing different resources, in order to run the company efficiently. This function is assigned to a so-called manager. As a leader, he or she exercises authority over a team, focusing on objectives and work organization. Its role is to provide the necessary guidelines as clearly as possible, as well as the conditions for carrying out the planned tasks.

Leadership: a new vision

Leadership keywords: communication, vision, initiative, listening, motivation, influence. This second concept refers to an individual’s ability to influence and motivate others so that they can perform one or more tasks without constraint, and at the same time achieve common goals. Leadership does not derive its authority from delegated power, but rather from external recognition. Working within a flat hierarchy, he or she is recognized for initiative, vision and achievement. In addition to forging close ties with his or her colleagues, he or she also pushes them to improve over time, while opening up new horizons and setting an example.

External services

Thanks to their natural leadership skills and extensive experience in management positions, interim managers are able to offer a wide range of services that can help a company turn a corner. To name but a few: strengthening a team’s skills, restructuring an organization, boosting growth, enhancing financial performance and results, or improving operational performance.