Treasury Manager

The interim Treasury Manager ensures the availability of cash within a company. It anticipates and secures financial movements, while ensuring that financial needs are covered.

Role of the Treasury Manager

The interim Treasury Manager plays a crucial role in an organization, ensuring efficient management of financial resources. Main duties and responsibilities include :

  • Cash management: the interim Cash Manager monitors and manages cash flows to ensure that the company always has the necessary liquidity;
  • Financial forecasts: the interim Treasury Manager draws up precise cash flow forecasts to anticipate future cash requirements and take preventive measures;
  • Optimizing financial resources: the interim Cash Manager finds opportunities to invest surplus cash profitably while minimizing risk;
  • Financing: the interim Treasury Manager identifies the company's financing needs and develops strategies for obtaining funds cost-effectively, whether through borrowings, lines of credit or other financial instruments;
  • Financial reporting: the interim Treasury Director prepares relevant financial reports to inform management and stakeholders about the company's financial situation;
  • Regulatory compliance: the interim Treasury Director ensures that all the company's financial activities comply with current regulations and standards;
  • Strategic planning: the interim Treasury Manager participates in the company's strategic planning by providing a financial perspective and contributing to informed decision-making.

In short, the interim Treasury Director is responsible for maintaining the company's financial equilibrium, optimizing its resources and minimizing risks, thus playing an essential role in the organization's viability and growth.

Looking for an Treasury Manager

Profile Treasury Manager

Skills and experience required

  • Tax knowledge
  • IFRS standards
  • Mastery of accounting regulations (LSF, SOX, SEPA)
  • Knowledge of database tools
  • Analytical and synthesis skills

Personal qualities required

  • At ease with numbers
  • Relational skills
  • Leadership
  • Power of persuasion

The missions of the Treasury Manager

  • Managing cash flow
  • Managing financial risks
  • Advising general management

Advantages of using an Treasury Manager

  • Continuity of cash management
  • Support
  • Expertise and experience

Examples of Treasury Manager

  • Manage cash: anticipate working capital requirements, supervise cash inflows and outflows, and implement policies to maintain a stable cash position.
  • Optimize financing: negotiate advantageous terms with financial institutions, manage credit lines, and seek out profitable investment opportunities.
  • Manage financial risks: manage currency fluctuations, interest rates and other factors likely to influence the company's financial health.
  • Reporting and communication: the interim Treasury Director communicates with management, financial partners and internal stakeholders to ensure transparency and a clear understanding of the company's financial health.

How to recruit an Treasury Manager

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