Working relationships are a determining factor in a company’s success. The better they are, the better the team, in terms of efficiency, morale and commitment. Conversely, poor relations can have a negative impact on employee productivity.
Improving communication
Communication is essential to improving working relationships within a team. To strengthen it, all you need to do is create a pleasant working environment where employees can communicate freely and confidently. For your part, take the time to listen to them and share your objectives, giving them precise information on the tasks, the rules of the game and the means available to accomplish them. This can start with regular updates, while respecting confidentiality rules: you can discuss day-to-day issues without necessarily waiting for the annual review.

Practicing active listening
Active listening involves encouraging the other person to better express his or her thoughts, feelings, motivations and expectations. This listening mode has several objectives:
- Knowing what matters to the other person ;
- Know what others have to say;
- Better understand the situation of others ;
- Identify difficulties and possible solutions;
- Suggest ideas and solutions;
- Preparing for the future, anticipating and forecasting future needs;
- Establish and maintain a relationship of trust with others.
Greater transparency
Transparency creates a climate of trust, reassures the teams involved and improves working relationships within a team. To increase transparency, the manager must :
- Being a good listener;
- Assuming responsibility and making choices ;
- Communicate clearly about decisions taken and the reasons behind them;
- Dialogue to build consensus ;
- Be demanding about the quality of your meetings and minutes;
- Direct, concise communication.
Creating a cohesive team
To create a cohesive team, the manager must :
- Creating a climate of trust ;
- Involving everyone without excluding them;
- Demonstrate loyalty, honesty and fairness;
- Adopt an open and positive attitude;
- Relying on shared values.
Recognizing effort and performance
While it may seem normal for a manager to expect an employee to do his or her job, it’s always motivating to receive positive feedback on an employee’s investment. Recognition helps improve working relationships within a team. To recognize effort and performance, the manager must :
- Identify the expectations of supervisees ;
- Evaluate their performance ;
- Giving positive feedback;
- Set up a career management system.
Managing conflicts and crises
In a team, conflict is inevitable. To manage conflicts and crises, the manager must :
- Recognizing conflict ;
- Choose the right moment to intervene ;
- Identify the causes ;
- Finding a solution ;
- Measuring the consequences ;
- Avoid negative criticism;
- Penalize breaches of the rule.