Little known just a few years ago, QWL or Quality of Life at Work is now a corporate priority. Efficiently implemented, it can help you become more competitive and attractive.

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QWL is an approach designed to improve a company’s performance by enhancing the well-being of its employees. People who work alone can also benefit from this approach. Generally speaking, QWL can be considered to be present in a company when :

  • Employees know how to work as part of a team;
  • The health and safety of employees is guaranteed by the company;
  • The work environment contributes to employee well-being.

5 tips for improving quality of life at work (QWL)

Before embarking on any concrete actions, it is first necessary to determine whether or not QWL is present within the company, and to assess this using a barometer. This first step enables you to identify the areas you need to work on before choosing the best method to achieve this:

  • Calling on Transition Management: well placed to ensure the implementation of the approach, the expert seconded to the company is responsible for identifying the actions to be taken, supporting employees in the face of the many changes that may occur, monitoring the progress of the approach and proposing adjustments if necessary;
  • Encouraging employee recognition: a fundamental human need, recognition involves thanking employees for their work and rewarding their efforts in a variety of ways;
  • Strengthen team spirit: a good atmosphere at work depends on team training and the organization of recreational events for employees;
  • Improving feedback: feedback is based on encouraging employees to express themselves more freely, which is the best way of monitoring the progress of a project or finding out how they feel about it;
  • Care for the work environment: ideally, it should guarantee the health and safety of employees, promote productivity and stimulate creativity.

Effective QWL means creating a win-win situation:

  • For employees, QWL means lower stress levels, easier achievement of professional objectives, better organization at work and improved communication and cohesion within work teams;
  • For the company, QWL increases productivity, enhances attractiveness and contributes to talent retention.