In recent years, or even decades, the notion of strategic change in business has come to dominate. FAITHFUL EXECUTIVE can help you distinguish between the various changes, and explain the conditions under which they can be implemented.

A look back at strategic change

A company embarks on strategic change when it wishes to support the transformations linked to its business. There are 4 types of strategic change:

  • Adaptation, the easiest strategic change to implement, consists of moving forward gradually, in stages, without changing the company’s overall policy;
  • The evolution consists of a gradual change of model. It arises during the digital transformation of companies, for example ;
  • Reconstruction is a rapid change that can cause upheaval in a company without altering its dominant business model;
  • Revolution, on the other hand, implies a rapid and radical transformation of the development model. It is necessary when the company proves unable to cope with competition or environmental challenges.

Strategic change

In most cases, strategic change is evoked, or even implemented, following a diagnosis or in response to a need for flexibility and responsiveness. The diagnosis leading to strategic change has 2 facets:

  • Internal diagnosis focuses on the resources available and needed to cope with change;
  • External diagnostics focus on analyses of the macro-environment (socio-cultural, economic, political factors, etc.) and the micro-environment (subcontractors, suppliers, customers, etc.).


FAITHFUL EXECUTIVE provides you with a professional expert in strategic change, tailored to your needs, expectations and overall strategy. To begin an Interim Management assignment, everything starts with an assessment of the situation: needs, projects, objectives, vision, organizations… The main contextual points are addressed. We then put you in touch with the appropriate interim manager. This manager leads change in line with your objectives. At the end of the mission, an assessment is carried out to focus on the successful implementation of the strategic change.